Perimeter Check III: Essays from Vermont's Upper Kingdom
Perimeter Check III: Essays from Vermont's Upper Kingdom
By Paul Lefebvre
Vol. I (1997-2004) and II (2005-2009) are also available.
“No one is sure what he will find by picking at the edges. But it is at the edges where I have found a life. Small truths sometimes grow into a larger one, and I would like to believe the columns in this collection are keepers of little truths.”
Edges, as ecologists know, are places rich in biological activity; one of my favorite poets, a psychologist by training, asserts that, “Truth appears only at the borders,” and once, seated with a group around a campfire in a wilderness area in Arizona, I watched a coyote skirt our circle, trotting the perimeter where the flickering light of our campfire met the deep blue shadows. In this manner, Mr. Lefebvre is like a literate coyote, whose beat is the place where two zones converge. (From a review of Perimeter Check II by Julia Shipley)
Beck Pond Books, 2017